A warning to the people who like to find stuff out
Science education as it currently stands is only geared towards teaching how to solve certain kinds of problems (though you can learn how to solve them really well). Even the ill-structured problems in science and engineering have a particular structure, and the idea of an ill-structured problem in physics never comes close to being an ill-structured problem I feel is really important. Scientists and engineers are really good at creating problems for their solutions, and are really good at solving problems because they know they can. I think people need to know that they can solve other bigger problems that currently aren't in the purview of science for traditional and pseudo-philosophical reasons. Yeah okay, we've made a more efficient fridge, or something equally trivial, and if you can make a living off of that I think there might be a problem. Bigger and more definitely a problem, some of these "efficient fridges" are harmful to people, and there is a strong ...