Love, War and Engineering
Lately I've been thinking about a political principle. That a powerful form of activism is to live with integrity. I first started thinking about this after watching the film "As We Forgive". A key theme of that film is that it took love, legitimate one-on-one connection, to restore the country of Rwanda after the genocide. So love is political. Connection and tolerance are political. They are intertwined in our citizenship. And then I ran into a few instances of this philosophy in rapid succession. Jordan Peterson, who I have started investigating (and disagree with on some solid points, but have some admiration for nonetheless) espouses this philosophy from a conservativish standpoint: I started reading "The Slow Professor", and a key message concerns the power of the individual. That the Slowness of one academic, even in short admissions of imperfection and short grabs for meaningful time, are acts of resist...