My Mission
What's my mission? My mission is to encourage engineers to reflect on their impacts on society . I've been thinking about missions because they accomplish a few things . They narrow down our pursuits - I find that my pursuits have been very broad and have seemingly only broadened since I started graduate school. I would like to investigate the neurology of engineering and the intersection of innovation and humanitarian design and do my own design for charitable causes, but I cannot do them all, and keeping them all in mind hinders me. Missions also give us purpose, as opposed to jobs - they motivate us, and I find I have been lacking in motivation, recently. What my mission means: When I say engineers , I don’t limit that to engineering students. I would like to expand the definition beyond those who have degrees, but that might be too broad of a mission, so I narrow it back down. In particular I am interested in engineers that are on the job. This means that my wor...