
I fully conceived writing this blog after a few things
  - After science writing seemed to me like it was not responsible for all kinds of thinking
  - After noticing the breadth of my thinking during a reprieve from the crucible that is college
  - After a fun night of drinking
  - After starting to write the fiction bouncing around in my head for two years or so
  - After realizing this as an efficient and useful way of indirectly contributing to the intellect of humanity, as opposed to a direct way, which would be teaching professionally

This blog will not accurately be me, though I will try to be as honest as possible (for my sake and yours) and I won't try to create a persona for this blog.  In the past my writing smacked of attempts at self definition, of yelling at myself loud enough to believe things (you may have experienced writing like that before).  Thinking will change as I write this, and I do not expect my inquiry to be all and end all, but this blog has the potential to accomplish the task of introducing methods of less confused thinking to both me and readers, so let's see it do that.
